1st Year Trip – School / No School

April 24, 2023

Dear Parents/Guardians & Students,


Students from Rinaldi and Ricceri not travelling to Ballyhass Outdoor Pursuits will not have school this Wednesday, 26th April due to the amount of teachers travelling.  Students can use this day to revise for the exams.  Students from Rinalidi and Ricceri not travelling will have a full school day on Tuesday, 25th April. They will return to school on Thursday, 27th April.


Students from Rua and Refugio not travelling to Ballyhass Outdoor Pursuits will not have school on Friday, 28th April due to the amount of teachers travelling.  Students can use this day to revise for the exams.  Students from Rua and Refugio not travelling will have a full school day on Thursday, 27th April.


Students from Ricaldone who are not travelling to Ballyhass Outdoor Pursuits will have school as normal Tuesday to Friday.




M. Lavan

Deputy Principal