5th & 6th Year Students – Limerick Open Days

October 13, 2023

Hi All,


Don’t forget to pay for the Limerick Open days by next Monday midnight (16th October) on the school app if you wish to travel to TUS or MIC and UL open day on Thursday next week. 


We will be leaving school at 8:30 am (if you are late we will be gone). Every student will be assigned a bus and cannot choose their own bus on the morning. Sadly, with such a large number of students going on such a tight schedule there is no way around this. If you are sick on the morning and inform us you need to be on the same bus as a friend for this reason you will be asked to stay in school and a parent will have to collect you. This is for health and safety reasons. We will send an email on or before Wednesday with which bus you are on and with what teacher. It will be alphabetically by class. 


Each teacher will have the roll call for that particular bus so you must stay on the same bus all day or you will delay us all and people might miss their talks or their bus home. If you give a note to me, Ms Keane or your yearhead by Wednesday you can get out at the following places on the way home: Westward Ho, Clarina, Ferrybridge, Kildimo or Pallaskenry. It is too late to give this note on Thursday as the day is exceptionally busy and we do not have time for administration.


You must inform your guidance counsellor which session you will attend in the morning, TUS or MIC. We will leave TUS or MIC at 11:30 and make our way to UL. You can download the UL open day brochure to plan out what talks you will attend. download (ul.ie) We have discussed this in classes. We will leave UL at 3pm to be back in time for buses home.


You must wear your full school uniform and bring a lunch as the food courts can be very busy and queuing is a waste of time that could be spent at talks.


Please email your guidance counsellor if you have any questions. Thank you for your continued cooperation, it is appreciated.


Kind regards,


The Guidance Dept



Joanne Whelan

Guidance Counsellor

Salesian Secondary College
