Bí Cineálta

Parental Guidance on the NEW Bí Cineálta anti-Bullying Policy (Soon to be Published here)

Dear Parents/Guardians,
We are currently reviewing our Anti-Bullying policy while taking account of the new Bí Cineálta guidelines provided by the Department of Education.
This review considers the voice of all stakeholders including students, parents, teachers, school managers, board of management members and our trustees.
We are at an advanced stage of this process, and we intend to publish our new Bí Cineálta in the coming weeks.

Please watch this short 5-minute video where a member of our teaching staff, Lisa Downey, outlines some key aspects of the new policy while also touching on the definition of what bullying is.

The ‘Bí Cineálta’ (‘Be Kind’) procedures, introduced by the Department of Education, aim to prevent and address bullying behaviour in secondary schools.

Key features of this policy include:

Whole-School Approach: Engaging all members of the school community students, parents, teachers, support staff, and boards of management to cultivate a culture where bullying is unacceptable.

Addressing High-Risk Areas: Identifying and monitoring hidden spaces such as hallways, staircases, and playgrounds where bullying is more likely to occur and implementing measures like improved visibility and supervision.

Enhanced Supervision: Emphasising vigilant supervision, especially for students vulnerable to bullying, to ensure their safety and inclusion.

Promoting a ‘Telling’ Environment: Creating an atmosphere where students feel comfortable reporting bullying incidents, supported by accessible versions of the school’s anti-bullying policy displayed prominently.

Follow-Up Procedures: Conducting reviews with affected students and their parents 20 school days after a reported bullying incident to assess if the behaviour has ceased.

Annual Policy Review: Incorporating feedback from students, parents, and the entire school community in yearly evaluations of the school’s anti-bullying policy.

Parental Involvement: Recognising parents as key partners in efforts to prevent and address bullying, ensuring their active participation in related initiatives.

Regular Reporting: Requiring school principals to provide updates on bullying incidents and responsive measures at every board of management meeting while maintaining student confidentiality.

Data Recording and Analysis: Documenting each bullying incident to contribute to a national database, facilitating the creation of annual reports that inform policy and practice without identifying individuals or schools.

Cyberbullying Clarification: Clarifying that while schools are not responsible for cyberbullying occurring outside school hours, they must act when such behaviour affects the school environment.

These comprehensive procedures underscore our schools’ commitment to fostering a safe and inclusive educational setting for your child.

Kind regards,

Keith O’Rahilly