French Culture Experience

February 5, 2021

Our annual TY exchange to France was cancelled due to Covid last year and again this year. This is a unique experience for TY students to improve greatly their French, and moreover, to experience French culture. So the 2 schools, Lycée Bourg Chevreau in Segré (France) and Salesian Secondary College have recreated a virtual exchange, on Zoom.

This morning, for over one hour, our 5th year students conversed in frenglish with students in France in smaller breakout groups. The conversations were coordinated by Jean-Claude Fabius, English teacher in France and Joy Cinnamond, former Salesian Student now studying French and New Media in Mary Immaculate College. Joy, who did the exchange while in Transition Year 5 years ago, is on work experience in our school for the year. The 2 classes will “meet” again after the holidays.

Armelle Mangan Le Bihan
Salesian Secondary College