
September 7, 2023

Dear Parents/Guardians & Students,


There are a lot of students absent today with no notes received through VS Ware.  Please update VS Ware as soon as possible with an explanation for your son/daughters absence.


If a student is late for class, please ensure that they ask the teacher to change the roll from NIC (not in class) to Late or get the student to call down to Reception for it to the changed on the system.  Ideally an Attendance Note should be put into VS Ware by a parent to explain why the student is late, i.e. missed bus, appointment, sick etc.


Students taking part in a School Activity Away i.e. Match, the teacher they are with will send a list to the office and these students will be marked as School Activity.


Students who are taking part in a School Activity On Site i.e. BT Young Scientist prep, Fundraising, Junk Kouture, these students MUST have a ‘Yellow Slip ‘ completed by each of their teachers and again ensure that the teacher marks them down as School Activity (SA).


It’s the students responsibility that if they are late or taking part in a school activity to ensure the roll is changed.  


If no note has been received and the student is still marked NIC a text message will be sent home for you to update VS Ware. 




The Attendance Team