2nd Year Woodwork

Two of our 2nd year Wood Technology students showing off their latest project. Excellent work to be proud of. B....

School Closed – Monday, 4th November

  Reminder – As per the school calendar the school will be closed Monday week, the 4th of November to...

Community Development

Ms Keane and 2nd Year CSPE took a walk as part of our studies on Community Development. We got to...

Suicide prevention and coping with grief

Dear Parents/Guardians and Students,   Please see attached two important events for the calendar. They are centered around suicide prevention and...

Don Bosco Club

Please see attached flyer regarding a Don Bosco Club which will be held on Saturday afternoons in the school hall...

Reminder – 1st Year Vaccination Programme

  HSE Vaccination Programme Packs were given to all 1st year students last week. Please complete the consent form and return...

URGENT REMINDER – 6th Year Leaving Certificate Portal Registration

Dear Students,   Reminder that all 6th Year students need to register on the Leaving Certificate Portal before this Friday...

School Finishing Early – Thursday

Dear Parents / Guardians,   School will finish at 3.30pm this Thursday, 24th October to facilitate our 3rd Year Parent...

Bake Sale

Well done to our Transition year Mindout Classes who organised a very successful Bake Sale as part of our Mental Health Week. 

2nd year Science

2nd year Science class Investigating the Forces used at the playground