6th Year Students – URGENT – Leaving Cert Portal Important Information
Dear student, The LC portal will close at 6pm this evening. There are approx. 15,000 candidates nationally who have not...
Dear student, The LC portal will close at 6pm this evening. There are approx. 15,000 candidates nationally who have not...
Congartulations to Amy Mullins and Ciara Dunne, who have been selected to be part of the Limerick Sport Partnership VIP...
It is widely reported in Pallas this lunchtime that the ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ talent scouts are on the hunt for...
Kicking off our Wellbeing Day with the Jerusalema Dance! https://youtu.be/KcnIiwx4DFk
Dear Parents / Guardians, We appear to be still getting a lot of parents/guardians submitting notes through the parent note...
Massive thanks to our own Hannah Sweeney and her team of TY students for organising an activity day for our...
Lovely to see our TY students out enjoying themselves yesterday in a non contact socially distanced way. Great to see...
Reminder Please bring your own colours and /or a book for your mindful Art /Drop everything and Read. PE uniform...
In order to showcase the writing talent of our 3rd years, our English, CSPE and Assistant Teachers have decided to...
Over our Easter break our new outdoor classroom has really taken shape . A beautiful space has been created for...