Covid Update / Advice

December 6, 2021

Dear Parent / Guardian,

I want to thank students who are still carefully following Covid Protocols in school, during class time and break time and, indeed, when outside school. I see that masks are being worn well and that 2m distancing is still in place in all classrooms. Ventilation and sanitising of rooms is also occurring and I am grateful to all for your ongoing compliance.

In all cases, Close Contacts of positive cases are determined by the HSE. If your child is named a Close Contact, you will receive a text from the HSE alerting you of this. You will then be responsible for indicating to the HSE if your child is symptomatic and his / her vaccination status, before being advised about restricting movements.

If you are a Close Contact and not vaccinated, you must restrict your movements; PLEASE STAY AT HOME.

If you are a Close Contact AND fully vaccinated AND have no symptoms, you may attend school IF you have three negative antigen tests over 5 days.

Regardless of vaccination status, if your child is symptomatic of Covid, even if you think the symptoms are due to a head cold or other normal, wintertime infection PLEASE STAY AT HOME. This is the responsible choice.

Your child can mitigate against being a close contact by limiting their social interaction, wearing the mask and keeping 2m distance.

Many thanks and kind regards,

Ms. Morgan-O’Brien.