Et voilà!!! C’est fini!!

June 25, 2024

End of LC exams… and this is a wrap


Et voilà!!! C’est fini!! Last exam, PolSoc took place today, and relieved students left the school!!


Now, no need for the “I should have..”, “if I had known”, “if I had listened”.. etc.. now, you all need to enjoy the summer and get excited about the new chapter of your lives!! 


Stay safe this summer, mind each other, be kind to your friends, family and the planet, have fun, you deserve it. 


PLEASE, keep us posted with all your endeavors!!


Remember, you are Salesians and we are family,


Keith O’Rahilly, Mike Lavan, David Ryan, Armelle Mangan, all your teachers and staff of “Pallas”