Transition Year Work Experience

February 2, 2021

Hi guys,

We have decided that we will run Work Experience next week but with a difference. We feel an important part of TY is to explore different career paths and to learn what career you like or do not like, as well as finding interests and upskilling.

You can do any one of the following
1. Normal work experience if you can secure it and it is a safe environment following covid regulations.

2. Follow a career remotely if you can secure that and you can find someone to shadow remotely.

3. Volunteer in the local community or in an organisation.

4. Complete a free online course from one of the following websites.

I will share a google sheet with you later this week and you will be expected to input what you will complete next week. If you input nothing, you will not receive credits for work experience.

Leadership workshop will take place next week also but you will have no classes.

Kind Regards,

Colin Ryan
TY Coordinator