Just a reminder that we are leaving for the Open Day Friday at 8:30am and will return for 15:20. Please let us know if you have paid and you now can’t make it so we are not waiting for you. If you are staying in UL or getting off in Mungret/Clarina/Kildimo/Ferrybridge on the way home, tomorrow (Thursday) is the last day to provide a note or email from a parent/guardian. If you do not have a written note you will be coming back to the school.
We are working on the bus lists and they will be sent out tomorrow. There are a small number of students who have paid to go but haven’t said which college they will attend in the morning (TUS or MIC). When we send out the bus lists you need to check that you are going to the correct college and let us know tomorrow if not. The buses are based on class lists; please do not ask to change bus (unless it is to attend a different college in the morning). It is very important that you stay on the bus you are assigned for the whole day.
Buses will arrive in MIC/TUS at 9 am and leave at 11. We all arrive in UL at 11:30. We will leave UL at 14:15 to ensure we are back for school buses home.
Please wear your full school uniform and coat. Bring snacks/lunch to avoid long queues.
As there are 276 students travelling on the trip we appreciate the cooperation of individual students.
Any questions please ask your Guidance Counsellor. This is always a lovely day and a great educational experience for students. We look forward to a fun day out.