If your son/daughter have been absent recently or are currently absent and you have not submitted a note on VS Ware, please do so today so our records are up to date.
If you have forgotten your username please email me at secretary@salesiancollege.ie and I will send you a text with your username for VS Ware.
Just a gentle reminder if your son / daughter are absent from school, need to leave school early or are coming to school late the following is our Attendance Procedure.
– If a student is absent, needs to leave early or arrives into school late, a parent/guardian MUST submit a note on VSware to notify us of this. All notes should be submitted by 8.30am for us to process them.
Students are not allowed contact home themselves if they are feeling unwell. Students must go to the office’s and either the Principal or Deputy Principal will contact home.
– If a student is arriving to school late or leaving early they must go to Karen (school secretary) to make sure we have received a note, don’t go back to class or leave without checking.
– We’ll be continuing with our attendance awards this year so we hope to see even more students with perfect attendance each term and for the whole year.