Sports, Clubs & Societies – Notices Week commencing 30/09/24
Hurling Under 19s and 17s hurling training after school Monday, 3:30 to 4:30. All players to attend Mr. Kearney, Mr....
Hurling Under 19s and 17s hurling training after school Monday, 3:30 to 4:30. All players to attend Mr. Kearney, Mr....
Bake Sale Tomorrow at Lunch (1.15 – 2.00). Join us tomorrow at lunch in Central Area for a bake...
Dear Parents/Guardians & Students, There have been a lot of students absent from school over the past few days...
Dear Parents/Guardians & Students, Please ensure that your son/daughter’s name is on all of their books, copies and unform. A...
Dear Parents/Guardians & Students, TY students will go to the Ploughing Championship this Thursday, 19th September. Buses will depart...
Join Our Parents’ Association! We are inviting both new parents of incoming First Years and current parents to become...
School will finish at 3.30pm tomororw Tuesday, 17th September 2024 to facilitate a staff meeting. Buses will run at...
Our Open Night for incoming 1st year students 2025/2026 will take place this Thursday, 10th October 2024 commencing at 7.00pm in the school hall with the...
After school study commences today. Study starts 20 minutes after the end of school and runs for 2 hours...
Dear Students, As you are aware, the Leaving Certificate and Leaving Cert Applied results will be available this Friday,...