Tutor News – 23/11/20 – Week 12
November 23, 2020
TUTOR NEWS – Monday, 23rd November 2020 (Week 21)
Tutor News will be emailed to all students, parents and teachers. Teachers will read out Tutor News at 11.55am on a Monday (Tuesday for a bank holiday weekend) to their 1st Year classes only. Class Tutors will sign journals during their class time.
Thought of the Week – “The expert in anything was once a beginner” — Helen Hayes
GENERAL – Please read out to ALL students
Students are reminded that the students MUST wear masks on the school bus and at all times when indoors in school.
Visitors to the school during the day should be by prior arrangement with the Principal through the school office. Parents / Guardians, contractors and visitors should enter only by the main door at Reception. Sign in and temperature checks are required for all visitors. The side door is not for use EXCEPT BY STUDENTS.
Application forms for students who wish to apply for a place in 1st Year 2021/2022 are available for collection at the school office. Deadline for submission of applications is 12.30pm on Monday, 11th January 2021. You can view our Virtual Open Night on the School App, Facebook or the school website.
Uniform Update – Please see note on the school app regarding the relaxation of the school uniform policy where students are allowed wear an additional jacket. NO HOODIES!!!!! Plus information about What Stays the Same and What Changes (for the moment).
Litter – Please use classroom bins and bins inside and outside the school. There should be no excuse for litter.
Loose books left lying around will be removed. Please use the bag shelves if necessary. Window sills and benches should not be used for storing lunch boxes and lunch bags, jackets or books.
Student Council: Class Rep elections/counts are being finalised and the Student Council of 2020/2021 will be announced on the school App by the end of the week. Thank you to all who put themselves forward and we look forward to working with you very soon. Ms. Keane and Ms. Hogan
Young SVP are hoping to run a Christmas raffle in aid of the local branch of St Vincent de Paul. The demand for SVP services is greater than ever this Christmas and we would really like to be able to contribute in some way to the valuable work they do in our local communities. It is with a heavy heart that we are unable to run our annual food drive due to Covid restrictions. Instead we are currently looking for any donations of prizes towards our Super Christmas Raffle. Any donations would be greatly appreciated and can be dropped in to Karen at reception.
Young SVP meetings for organisation of Christmas Raffle 2020
Senior SVP – Tuesday 24th November PP7 1.35pm
Junior SVP – Wednesday25th November Rm 6 – 1.40pm
The Parents Association of Salesian Secondary College will be having it’s annual AGM on Thursday November 26th, 2020 at 8:00 pm. Due to current covid 19 restrictions in place, this meeting will be held via Zoom. One of the topics will be how the Parents can support the school with current and future restrictions in place. Any and all ideas are welcome. If you are interested in attending, please email salesianpallaskenrypa@gmail.com. We will then send a link to the parent for the zoom meeting.
Lunchtime Rolls: Payment for Rolls from Monday, 30th November to Christmas holidays now up on App and must be paid for on or before tomorrow Tuesday, 24th November. Cost is €65 for 16 rolls (3 weeks + 1 day) or €13.50 for 3 Fridays (3 rolls). Email filling choice for roll to Regina in Accounts at accounts@salesiancollege.ie BEFORE Tuesday, 24th November 2020. Orders after this date cannot be placed. Advise your choice of butter, mayo or ketchup with one of the following fillings in a large white roll: 1) spicy chicken goujons or 2) plain chicken goujons or 3) sausages in roll or 4) ham and cheese or 5) plain ham or 6) plain turkey. We are unable to mix and match fillings. If payment is made but no filling confirmed last order will be repeated. If no order made previously standard roll will be ordered of mayo with plain chicken goujons. No refunds will be given if students are absent on any day – roll will be discarded for health and safety reasons. Allergen Listing Notification previously posted on the App. Regina Healy
Wellbeing News
• During the month of November, your Religion teacher will take you to visit the November Altar. Please bring your own pen with you to write the names of your deceased relatives and friends. They will be prayed for during the month of November.
• All TY Classes are invited to join the new An Post initiative – writing to residents in Care Homes. As you are aware, under level 5 restrictions, no visitors are permitted into Care homes, so getting a letter in the post or a picture could brighten up someone’s day. Further details will be given to you from your SPHE teachers.
• First Year Students, please ensure you have your Wellbeing Survey. We have had a good response but we are still waiting on some results. Please ensure you fill this survey out ASAP.
• At the end of this week we will be taking away the November Altar. If anyone still wants to write the names of deceased relatives and friends please do so before Friday.
• Now as we head into the season of Advent, we will put up our Advent Altar. This is a sacred space for those who may want a little time of reflection.
• As we head into the Christmas exams next week, self care is very important. Ensure your getting adequate sleep and eating the correct foods.
• Lock down has been extremely hard on people and particularly those who may come from difficult backgrounds. The HSE has sent an updated version of services available to children, teenagers and adults.
• Childline 1800 666666
• Belong to, text 0861800280
• Jigsaw 1800 544729
• Barnados 01 4732110
• Spunout 086 1800 280
• ALONE 0818 222 024
• Alzheimers Society of Ireland 1800 341 341
• Grow Mental Health 1890 474 474
• Senior line 1800 804 591
• Mindshift (App)
• Head space (App)
• Clearfear (App)
• HSE Eating Disorder App
• Further details available on HSE. Ie
Transition Year
Driving lessons Wednesday and Friday.
VIP limerick sports partnership interviews Tuesday 12.30 -3
5th Years
Well done to Ms.Bambury’s Irish class who took part in the ‘Gaeilge 24’ challenge on the 10th November to speak Irish for the day and raised €240 for ‘Conradh na Gaeilge’. Maith sibh agus Comhghairdeas libh go léir.